Custom Drums
Eyedentity | 高級系列
木材 Woods
北美洲楓木 North American Maple - 楓木產生更平衡、和諧的聲音,適合所有音樂風格。
歐洲樺木 European Birch - 聲音結實易控制,對力度反應敏銳,十分適合錄音室使用。
香桃花心木 Sapele - 適合想要強大聲音的鼓手,適合流行、搖滾和重金屬等音樂風格。
春茶木 Nyatoh - 非常適合追求獨特性和風格的鼓手。 然而,Nyatoh 是受限制木材; 產量有限。
外觀 Finish
北美洲楓木 North American Maple
- Soft Copper
- Soft Gold
- Brown Fade (Mappa Burl)
- Imbuia Fade (waxed finish)
歐洲樺木 European Birch
- Tiger Black Burst
香桃花心木 Sapele
- Explosion finish
春茶木 Nyatoh
- Red River
About CafeKit - Odery
The project was ready to go! Cafekit was created initially with children in mind. Usually, they start with a beginner kit. If they become a drummer later, that first kit usually becomes useless, because it’s impossible to play professionally with a starter instrument. Our project is unique in the sense that it offers an expanding kit, one that enables the mini kit to become a “regular” kit in the future, increasing significantly the life of the instrument. Of course, even as a mini kit, it IS a professional drum set, and not a toy.
Obviously—and we already knew that—Cafekit soon became a hit with all the grown ups who want a compact kit for quick gigs in smaller venues, and even bigger stages, why not? Convenient to carry, easy to set up, and it sounds great. Made of 100% basswood, with beautiful see-through new lugs, ergonomic hardware that is easy to handle. When coupled with the expanded set, the tom holders become arms for splash cymbals or percussion accessories. In other words, a drum kit for everyone, versatile and full of charisma. That is Cafekit.